Idea 2: Solving Problems by Answering Questions#
Once you’ve clearly articulated the problem you wish to solve, the next step is… to solve it! But how best to do so?
As data scientists, we are somewhat restricted in the types of solutions to which we have access. Nobody expects a data scientist to discover a new semiconductor manufacturing technique or solicit donors for cancer research funds.
But what data scientists can do is answer questions about the world. And while that may not seem inspiring at first, it’s a remarkably powerful ability. That’s because whether it’s trying to answer the question “does this patient have disease X?”, “what would happen to profits if we changed our pricing strategy?”, or “do universal income programs reduce long-term poverty?”, it turns out that a great many problems faced by both businesses and society as a whole become much easier to solve if we can better understand the consequences of our actions or reduce our uncertainty about the world.
In light of that fact, we can reframe the challenge of a data scientist from the more amorphous task of “figuring out how to solve the problem” to the more concrete “what question, if answered, would make it easier to solve this problem?” Once we’ve articulated a question to answer we can turn to choosing the best tool for generating an answer. But it is worth emphasizing this point — it is only at this stage of our project—not at the beginning!—that we start thinking about what statistical method, algorithm, or model is appropriate for the task.
But what if my stakeholder wants me to do something other than answer a question about the world? What if they want me to write a model to automatically read x-rays, or detect fraudulent transactions?
While it may not be immediately obvious how these fit in the “data scientists solve problems by answering questions about the world” framework, I can assure you they do. Indeed, anything you can think of that a data scientist might do ends up fitting this model because — as we’ll discuss in detail below and later in the book — all data science models and algorithms can be understood as instruments designed to answer very specific, very concrete questions about data. And once you come to appreciate that fact, not only will this frame make more sense, but you will probably also find you understand many of the models you work with regularly more intuitively than you did before.
Types of Questions#
There are three types of questions we will explore in this book, each of which helps to solve problems in a different way:[1]
Exploratory Questions: Questions about patterns and structure in the world.
Help us to understand the problem space better and prioritizing subsequent efforts.
Passive Prediction Questions: Questions about likely outcomes for individual observations or entities.
Useful for targeting individuals for additional attention or automating certain tasks.
Causal Questions: Questions about the consequences of actions or interventions being considered.
Useful for deciding on appropriate courses of action.
Each of these can play a different but important role in solving problems, and any effort to answer a question of each type will raise similar issues that need to be considered. As summarized next, by recognizing the class of questions we are seeking to answer, we can significantly narrow both the set of data science tools that are appropriate to consider and provide a short list of common considerations to think through.
Exploratory Questions#
Once you have settled on a problem you wish to address, the next step is often to use data science to better understand the contours of the problem in order to better prioritize and strategize your efforts. As data scientists, our best strategy for this type of investigation is to ask questions about general patterns related to your problem — what I call Exploratory Questions.
Why is this necessary? Well, as we’ll discuss in a future reading on “stakeholder management,” you would be shocked at how often stakeholders have only a vague sense of the patterns surrounding their problem. This makes refinement of your problem statement (and thus prioritization of your subsequent efforts) impossible. So before you get too far into any data science project, it’s important to ask Exploratory Questions to improve your understanding of how best to get at your problem.
To illustrate, suppose a company hired you because they were having trouble recruiting enough high-quality employees. You could ask for their HR data and immediately try to train a neural network to… well, I’m not even sure what you’d want to train it to do right off that bat! And that’s a big part of the problem. Getting more high-quality employees is a very general problem, and you could imagine addressing it in any number of ways — you could try and get more people to apply for the job in the first place, you could try and get a different type of candidate to apply then is currently applying, you could try and get more high-quality people who are given job offers to accept those offers, or you could help try to increase the number of people who are hired who turn out to be successful hires! But which should you do first?
To help answer this question, we can start by asking a series of Exploratory Questions that, when answered, will aid in your efforts to solve your stakeholder’s problem:
How many job applications are you receiving when you post a job?
What share of your current job applicants are of high quality?
If your current applicants come from different sources (online ads, services like Indeed, outreach to colleagues for recommendations, etc.), what share of job applicants from each of these sources are of high quality?
What share of employees you try to hire accept your offer?
What share of employees you do hire turn out to be successful employees?
Suppose, for example, only 10% of applicants who receive job offers accept. Then clearly that would seem a place where intervention would be likely to substantially increase the number of high-quality employees being hired. If, by contrast, 95% of applicants accept offers, then that is clearly not a place where you would want to focus.
Similarly, if most applicants are high quality and there just aren’t enough of them, then you would probably want to focus your efforts on increasing the number of people who apply in the first place. But if only 2% of applicants seem appropriate to the company, then maybe focus should be put on changing who is applying for positions with an eye towards increasing the average quality of applicants.
Answering these questions will likely not, on its own, make it clear exactly where to focus your efforts. Your stakeholder may look at the fact that only 2% of applicants are appropriate and say “That’s fine — we have so many applications that the absolute number of quality applicants is actually high enough, and it’s easy to filter out the bad applicants.” But these are numbers you can bring back to your stakeholder to discuss and use to zero in on the specific facet of their problem that is most amenable to an impactful solution.
Generating answers to these types of Exploratory Questions doesn’t have the same “coolness factor” as using expensive GPUs to train deep learning models. But it is precisely this type of analysis that will help ensure that when if you do later run up a giant bill renting GPUs, at least that money will have been spent addressing a part of your stakeholder’s problem that matters.
So how does one go about answering Exploratory Questions? As we’ll discuss in later chapters, at times Exploratory Questions can be answered with simple tools, like scatter plots, histograms, and the calculation of summary statistics like means and medians. Other times, however, it may require more sophisticated methods, like clustering or other unsupervised machine learning algorithms that can, say, identify “customer-types” in a large dataset of customer behavior.
Regardless of the tool used, however, the goal is always to identify patterns in the world that are salient to understanding your stakeholder’s problem.
Answering Exploratory Questions is not synonymous with “Exploratory Data Analysis” (EDA). As it is commonly understood and practiced by students, EDA refers to the process of poking around in a new data set before fitting a more complicated statistical model. It entails learning what variables are present, how they are coded, and sometimes looking at general patterns in the data prior to model fitting. Crucially, it is generally defined by what it is not — it is what you do before you fit a complicated model — and by the tools used — EDA consists of plotting distributions or cross-tabulations, not fitting models or doing more sophisticated analyses.
Answering Exploratory Questions, by contrast, is about achieving a substantive goal — learning about patterns in the world — not the tools used to do it, or what it comes before. Answering an important Exploratory Question may require you to actively seek out new data, merge data from different sources together, and potentially do novel data collection. It may also entail model fitting or use of unsupervised machine learning algorithms to uncover latent patterns.
We will discuss the conceptual issues surrounding EDA in more detail in a later reading.
Passive Prediction Questions#
Answering Exploratory Questions helps you to prioritize your efforts and improve your understanding of your stakeholder’s problem. Often you will bring the answers you generate to Exploratory Questions back to your stakeholder and use them to refine your problem statement in an iterative loop. “Yes, your broader problem is your profit margins are too thin, but after looking at your cost structure, it seems that the biggest driver of costs is the labor that goes into product packaging. So let’s focus on minimizing that.” But what then? Simple! We return to asking “What question, if answered, would help solve my problem?”
The second class of questions which, if answered, often help solve stakeholder problems are Passive Prediction Questions. Passive Prediction Questions are questions about the future outcomes or behaviors of individual entities (people, stocks, stores, etc.). This type of question may take the form “Given this new customer’s behavior on my website, are they likely to spend a lot over the next year?” or “Given the symptoms of this patient and their test results, how likely are they to develop complications after surgery?” (Don’t worry about the “passive” part of the name — we’ll circle back to why that’s there below. For the moment, you may find it helpful to just think of these as “Prediction Questions.”).
Because Passive Prediction Questions are questions about individual entities, they don’t necessarily have one “big” answer. Rather, Passive Prediction Questions are answered by fitting or training a model that can take the characteristics of an individual entity as inputs (e.g., this patient is age 67, has blood pressure of 160/90, and no history of heart disease) and spitting out an answer for that individual (given that, her probability of surgical complications is 82%). This differentiates Passive Prediction Questions from Exploratory Questions, which are about global patterns, not individual level predictions.
With Passive Prediction Questions, the first question to ask is often one of feasibility: “Given data on new customer behavior on my website, can I predict how much they are likely to spend a lot over the next year?” But you then answer that question by training a model that can answer the question you really care about for any given customer: “Given this new customer’s behavior on my website, are they likely to spend a lot over the next year?”
This ability to make predictions about future outcomes is obviously of tremendous use to stakeholders as it allows them to tailor their approach at the individual level. A hospital that can predict which patients are most likely to experience complications after surgery can allocate their follow-up care resources accordingly. A business that knows which customers are more likely to be big spenders can be sure that those customers are given priority by customer care specialists.
But the meaning of the term “Prediction” in Passive Prediction Questions extends beyond “predicting the future”. Passive Prediction Questions also encompass efforts to predict how a third party would behave or interpret something about an individual if given the chance.
For example, suppose our hospital stakeholder wanted to automate the reading of mammograms so that rural hospitals without full-time radiologists could give patients diagnoses more quickly (or, more cynically, pay fewer radiologists).[2] How does a model that reads mammograms “answer a question”? Well, in a very meaningful way, if you train your model by feeding it a dataset of mammograms that have been labelled as “normal” or “abnormal” by radiologists, then what that model is learning to do is answer the question: “if a radiologist looked at this particular scan, would they conclude it is abnormal?”
The value of this type of prediction to stakeholders is likely also self-evident, as it opens the door for automation and scaling of tasks that would otherwise be too costly or difficult for humans. Indeed, answering this question is the type of task for which machine learning has become most famous. Spam filtering amounts to answering the question “If the user saw this email, would they tag it as spam?” Automated content moderation amounts to answering “Would a Meta contractor conclude the content of this photo violates Facebook’s Community Guidelines?” Indeed, even Large Language Models (LLMs) like chatGPT, Bard, and LLaMA can be understood in this way, as we will discuss later.
Thinking of training an algorithm to read a mammogram as a model that answers the question “if a radiologist looked at this particular scan, would they conclude it is abnormal?” may seem a little strange at first. But this framing is both more accurate and more conceptually useful than the more common frame of “this is a a model that detects abnormal mammograms.” That’s because when a data science problem is solved by training a model on data on past human behavior, it isn’t actually learning to “detect cancer” — it’s learning to emulate the behavior of the humans in the training data.
This distinction is subtle, but it is important because it helps us to understand why any model we train in this way will inherit all of the biases and limitations of the radiologists who created the data used to train the algorithm. If, for example, our radiologists were less likely to see cancer in denser breast tissue, that bias would also be inherited by the algorithm.
(We call the inevitable existance of some difference between between what we want the algorithm to do — in this case, detect cancer — and what it is actually being trained to do — predict how a radiologist would interpret the scan — an “alignment problem.”)
It is worth emphasizing that the distinction between Exploratory Questions and Passive Prediction Questions is a distinction in purpose, not necessarily a distinction in the statistical tools that are most appropriate to the task. A linear regression, for example, may be used for answering either type of question, but in different ways. To answer an Exploratory Question, we might look at the coefficients in a linear regression to understand the partial correlations between variables in the data. To answer a Passive Prediction Question, we might only look at the predicted values from the regression model.
But even if the same type of model can be used for both purposes, how one evaluates the model depends entirely on the purpose to which it is being put. When answering an Exploratory Question through the interpretation of regression coefficients, the size of the standard errors on the coefficients is critical. When making predictions, by contrast, one may not care about the coefficients of a model at all! So long as the R-squared is high enough (and other diagnostics seem good), one can simply use the predicted values the regression generates without ever looking “inside the box.”
As such, there’s no simple mapping between statistical or machine learning methods and the type of questions you aim to answer. With that said, the study of how to answer Passive Prediction Questions is often referred to as “supervised machine learning.”
Causal Questions#
The last category of question that data scientists are commonly called upon to answer are Causal Questions: questions about what the effect might be if a certain action is taken. For example, “What would be effect be of patients with disease X taking medication Y?” or “what would the effect of changing the interface of my app be on user retention?”
Causal Questions most often arise when a stakeholder wants to do something — buy a Superbowl ad, change how a recommendation engine works, authorize a new medical device — but they fear the action they are considering might be costly and not actually work. In these situations, stakeholders will often turn to a data scientist in the hope that the scientist can “de-risk” the stakeholder’s decision by providing guidance on the likely effect of the action before the action is undertaken at full scale.
Causal Questions, therefore, take the form of “What is the effect of an action X on an outcome Y?”—or more usefully, “If I do X, how will Y change?”. Nearly anything can take the place of X and Y in this formulation: X could be something small, like changing the design of a website, or something big, like giving a patient a new drug or changing a government regulation. Y, similarly, could be anything from “how long users stay on my website” or “how likely are users to buy something at my store” to “what is the probability that the patient survives”.
In my view, Causal Questions are perhaps the hardest to answer for two reasons. The first is that when we ask a Causal Question, we are fundamentally interested in comparing what our outcome Y would be in two states of the world: the world where we do X, and the world where we don’t do X. But as we only get to live in one universe, we can never perfectly know what the value of our outcome Y would be in both a world where we do X and one where we don’t do X—a problem known as the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference (causal inference is just what people call the study of how to answer Causal Questions).
But the second reason is Causal Questions land on the desk of data scientists when a stakeholder wants to know the likely consequences of an action before they actually undertake the action at full scale. This may seem obvious, but it bears repeating — not only is answering Causal Questions hard because we never get to measure outcomes in both a universe where our treatment occurs and also a universe where it does not (the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference), but answering Causal Questions is also hard because stakeholders want to know about the likely consequences of an action they aren’t ready to actually undertake!
As a result, the job of a data scientist who wants to answer a Causal Question is to design a study that not only measures the effect of a treatment but also does so in a setting that is enough like the context in which the stakeholder wants to act that any measured effect will generalize to the stakeholder’s context.
Now that we’ve discussed Causal Questions, we can discussion the term “passive” in “Passive Prediction Questions.” The term “Passive” in “Passive Prediction Questions” is meant to differentiate situations where a stakeholder wants to predict things about individuals they do not yet know in a world where the status quo prevails and our behavior doesn’t change.
For example, when answering the Passive Prediction Question “Given their case history, how likely is this patient to experience post-surgical complications?” we don’t actually want to know how likely they are to experience complications — we want to know how likely they would be to experience complications absent any intervention. Our hope, after all, is that by learning that a certain patient is likely to experience complications we can act to prevent that outcome!
Obviously, we might then want to build on the insights provided by that model and ask a followup Causal Question: “What would the effect be of assigning an extra nurse to patients predicted to be more likely to have post-surgical complications?”
But because these questions are different in their goals, we would also go about answering them in very different ways. For example, we might answer our Passive Prediction Question using historical patient data and a logistic regression or decision tree. And to answer our Causal Question, we might run a randomized experiment in which half the patients we predict as likely to experience complications are assigned an extra nurse and half are not, and we later compare patient outcomes.
An Example#
In this introductory chapter alone, we’ve already covered a substantial amount of material. We’ve discussed the importance of problem articulation, the idea that the way data scientists solve problems is by answering questions, and the three types of questions data scientists are likely to encounter.
It’s easy to see how this framework might result in a sequential development of a project. First, a hospital comes to you concerned about the cost of surgical complications. So you:
Work with them to more clearly define the problem (“Surgical complications are extremely costly to the hospital and harm patients. We want to reduce these complications in the most cost-effective manner possible.”)
You answer some Exploratory Questions (“Are all surgical complications equally costly, or are there some we should be most concerned about?”).
You develop a model to answer a Passive Prediction Question (“Given data in patient charts, can we predict which patients are most likely to experience complications?”) so the hospital can marshal its limited nursing resources more effectively.
The hospital then comes back to you to ask the Causal Question “Would a new program of post-discharge nurse home visits for patients identified as being at high risk of complications reduce complications?”
In reality, however, while it is important that some steps come before others (if you don’t start by defining your problem, where do you even start?), real projects are never so linear. The reality is that you will constantly find yourself moving back and forth between different types of questions, using new insights gained from answering one question to refine your problem statement and articulate new questions.
Nevertheless, by using this framework as a starting point, and using this taxonomy to help you recognize (a) the type of question you are asking, and (b) the reason you are seeking to answer a given question even when iterating through a project, you will see tremendous gains in your ability to please your stakeholders by staying focused on the problems they need addressed.